11 Nisan 2017 Salı

Ipvanish Vpn Chrome Extension Download

Ipvanish Vpn Chrome Extension Download

What is Ipvanish Vpn ?

Ipvanish VPN is based in the United States. Ipvanish has a high reputation among VPN server companies that are providing VPN service. İpvanish claims to be the only company with more than 100 servers among the vendors providing VPN services. Ipvanish VPN has a server in 60 countries and more than 14 thousand IPs are available. Ipvanish VPN services are protective and security-oriented against threats like tracking, monitoring and similar personal information on the internet.

Advantages of Using Ipvanish VPN Service ?

IPVanish VPN users secure Internet activities by encrypting them securely by tunneling through IPVanish VPN servers. IPVanish VPN allows users to change their IP address. Thanks to this feature, wherever a user is connected on the internet is hidden. This ensures online privacy. With the encryption protocols that IPVanish VPN uses, it provides a very secure environment for its users.

Even the internet service provider can not monitor the users" current activities on the internet. The IpVanish company does not record any data that contains any information belonging to its users. In fact, this company does not keep a record of its users whether they are connected to the servers or not. These features are also highlighted by one of the most comprehensive anonymous providers among the companies that provide IP VPN company"s VPN service.

The company offers its users different tariffs for differently varying contracts. The longer they use the service they provide to their users, the more affordable they are. There are various payment methods offered by the firm"s users. These methods include bank transfer, payment by credit card and payment via Paypal account.

Another payment option is to provide Bitcoin payment because the company does not want any information other than an e-mail address and password from the users. Thus, IPVanish VPN users can make payment transactions completely anonymously. This means security at maximum level. From a technical point of view, the company, which does not provide a free trial version, allows the user to request a refund after 7 days of service, instead of 7 days of money-back guarantee.

How to Install IPVanish VPN ?

However, one of the most important issues to be aware of is that some antivirus programs can prevent the installation of IPVanish VPN during installation. To prevent this situation, it is useful to temporarily disable anti virus program during installation. The first step in setting up an IPVanish VPN is to open the webpage where the IPVanish VPN download will take place via Google or similar search engines.
Then the IpVanish VPN is downloaded to the computer. A dialogue window opens after the downloading of the application to the computer has been completed. On the window, click on the "Load" button to confirm the "Do you want to load this application?"

Installation starts after this stage. At the end of the installation process, prompts the user of the correct application to enter the user name and password. In order to enter user name and password, it is necessary to purchase IPVanish VPN service. When the installation process is clicked on the completed application, a dialog window appears on the screen. If you want to install Extra OpenVPN driver via this window, you need to accept the install. Then protocol and country selection are made. After the protocol selection, the country to be VPN is selected. When the green connection is seen, the operation is completed successfully.

Ipvanish Vpn Chrome Extension Download

Ipvanish Vpn Download : Click

You can read our previous Poper – Pop Up Blocker Chrome Extension Download


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